SC Greens say Supreme Court is not a private club and it's time to stop treating it that way.
COLUMBIA, SC (JUNE 20, 2024) - Enraged at recent findings by the Brennan Center for Justice, Green Party leaders across the state are calling foul. The study, “State Supreme Court Diversity — May 2024 Update” details how many state top courts include no women and/or ethnic minorities. In South Carolina one justice is a woman and all are white.
The Brennan Center report says people don't trust a system which does not look like them. To make the court’s deliberations fair the courts should reflect the rest of society the review pointed out.
South Carolina is one of only two states where state court justices, including the Supreme Court, are elected by the legislature. First the list of possible contenders is passed through a ten member Judicial Merit Selection Commission. This commission includes attorneys and legislators. This system locked up the legislature as recently as January of 2023 when the legislature replaced Justice Kaye Hearn after she reached state mandated retirement.
“The South Carolina legislature thinks they are playing a shell game.” said David Edmond, a recent Green Party candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture. “Slide the black man out of the door and replace him with the single white woman. That’s what they’ve done. Do they think we don’t know what they are up to?”
“The State Law Research Initiative database shows there are only 36 Black high court justices in 23 states nation wide.” said David Whiteman, state party treasurer. “That kind of blatant under representation helps explain why so many people are fed up with the political system. Then you see young people getting fired up to make change and it does give me hope.”
"Thirteen percent of judges in South Carolina's lower courts are Black. Only one of the nine justices on the State Court of Appeals is Black. Our state is twenty seven percent Black. Black people in South Carolina have less than half the judicial influence they should have." explained Ed Ballew of Easley. "In a state that's known for freedom, how can such a thing be fair?"
There are a few bright spots in recent state high court diversity. The first public defender was elected to New Jersey's high court. The youngest female supreme court justice in North Carolina's history took office. Two states, MO and TN, now have a female majority on their top courts.
"When two states are able to find enough top quality women to get a balanced Supreme Court it's pretty hard to believe there are not enough top quality women candidates here in South Carolina. Columbia just doesn't care." said Katie Heape of Campobello. "We should look everywhere to find the best possible justices. Obviously they didn't do that here recently, and haven't for years on end."
When asked if the South Carolina Green Party could go to court to try to get a more representative court system, Scott West of Columbia and a former state senate candidate for the Greens, said "We don't have deep pocket donors. We don't take money from businesses or political action committees. We only take money from individual people, and most of that money is in small donations. So no, we can't do that." he said.
Thoughts from a Green
Recently I’ve been pondering two words and what their differences are. The first word is motivation. My dictionary defines it as
- The act or process of motivation. 2. Something that motivates.
This led me to the word motivate.
To provide with an incentive or motive; impel.
I think we can agree that our motive as a party is to correct the imbalances of our society, whether it be the imbalances of wealth and poverty, opportunity and exclusion, or freedom and repression.
The second word is inspiration. My dictionary defines it as
- a. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. b. The condition of being so stimulated. 2. An agency, as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or that prompts action or invention. 3. Something that is inspired; a sudden creative act or idea. 4. The quality of inspiring or exalting: a painting full of inspiration. 5. Theol. Divine guidance or influence exerted directly upon the mind and soul of man. 6. The act of breathing in; inhalation.
By these definitions, I am motivated. But as of late, I’ve been lacking inspiration, that nudge, that push, that shove, that kick in the ass that makes me want to get up and do something. Luckily, last night I found a bit of inspiration and it moved me to write about it.
While our motivations are somewhat common among us, our inspirations are varied. I found my inspiration in a piece of music, and I’ll share it in a link to follow. I ask each of us to find your inspiration and let it move you to act. A wise woman once told me, “If you’re comfortable in your day-to-day life, then you’re not doing enough. Push yourself to the point of being uncomfortable.”
(She was a college professor addressing a class of young, aspiring professionals. This doesn’t apply to those working long hours of hard labor or those with physical limitations.)
It was this song that provided me with inspiration. I ask that you listen and pay attention to the lyrics. I think they apply to the current state of our party. Here’s the link:
Also, to those of us who have mental health problems, here’s an important piece of music I found that you might find helpful. If you’re currently in a fragile state of mind, you may want to avoid it for now.
A message from Upstate South Carolina Green Party Co-Chair, Gregg Jocoy
"The Path to Productive Activism" (see blog post below) was about finding a group to belong to, where you can be with like-minded folks and incite some change. Once you join a group, you will hopefully find a place where you’re welcomed, where things are organized, the meetings run in a way that’s respectful of all members’ time, where you truly feel valued, and can begin to make some change in your community.
But let’s say that you’ve taken that step, and you’re ready to do more.
In order to be agents for change, we must recognize two things: That change needs to happen to break the current course, and that electoral politics are an arm for change that we have to use to get there. Change has to happen from the inside out if we want to see improvement, and like-minded individuals can combine forces in an effort to get someone elected to an office, no matter how small, non-partisan or partisan.
Think that you can’t run for an office? WRONG. You CAN run for office!
When you hold a position on a board, commission, or other governing body in your community, county, or at the state level, your voice can become instrumental in decisions that can directly affect a number of facets in your community or region, including the environment, jobs, financial direction, and more. It’s likely that you possess a strength that could be valuable to the constituents in your area. The first step in all of this would be to decide your area of interest, seek areas of interest on your city or county’s website. If you don’t see the info you need, then:
GO TO YOUR CITY HALL OR COUNTY ELECTIONS OFFICE AND START ASKING QUESTIONS. Ask things like, “What non-elected positions are open?” “Is there a board on which I can serve?” Or, “I’m interested in roads maintenance. Is there a position open on a commission where I can get involved?” Most of these committees and boards, though not widely advertised and sometimes found in inaccurate information on county and city websites, will generally welcome people who are interested in volunteering to come to meetings and give their time to whatever the cause. If you have a career speciality or experience within the community already, you are likely to be a shoe-in. Apply to the one or ones that interest you; have any necessary petition paperwork filled out by deadlines; and be sure to ask precisely what is needed to make you a candidate for the open seat and what will get you on the ballot.
If you already have experience serving in a capacity like this, then RUN FOR HIGHER OFFICE IN YOUR COMMUNITY when the positions become available. Even elected non-partisan leadership positions can make a difference when the people in place truly have the best interest of the people, planet, and overall peace involved. Greens that hold non-partisan offices can make a huge impact!
If you’ve already served in a community, district, or county-based elected office and have had some success, that’s excellent news! You’ve now got the background in how things are done, and people are starting to recognize who you are and how you work, so you’re ready to run.
If you want to run as a Green, check with your local or state Green organization to see about their candidate vetting process, forms, endorsement possibilities, ballot access situation, etc. You may also be able to get endorsements from other nonpartisan progressive groups, which can broaden your chances of being elected. If you need help with campaigning or resources, contact the local chapter of your state Green party. It’s almost guaranteed that there are people willing to help promote a candidate they can believe in.
Remember: Change starts with each of us taking action within our means, not just protesting and resisting. Make some change in your community! Help get some books into your city’s library or write a grant to get some supplies for a homeless shelter. Serve on a committee to have a community garden planted. Get the ball rolling with necessary infrastructure repairs or on a committee that addresses public transportation needs.
Use your strengths to be an asset to your community!
Next up in our series on how to make change:
“I’ve decided to run for office… now what do I do?”
The Path to Productive Activism
"Your politics are boring!"
I remember the first time I saw that message. It cut me to the core! Was he saying that what we are doing is boring? Or how we are doing it is boring? Were we focused on the wrong things?
He never explained further, but I suspect the reaction came because he was tired of meetings: meetings which seem to accomplish little.
But meetings are a part of organizing. Groups have to come together, discuss ideas, have a plan of approach and execution for whatever they hope to accomplish.
So, if he's right, and meetings are boring, how do we as activists deal with that reality?
Ask any activist, including those from the right wing, and they will all tell you that you must have food to attract folks, or at least a cup of coffee. Most importantly, though, people need to know their time is not wasted; and to whatever extent possible, to know that they will be with people they enjoy, or at least people who they want to work with.
How can we assure people that meetings are worth their time? The plan should be simple:
First, start your meetings on time, and with a prepared agenda. If you are trying to organize and are disorganized, this is a turnoff; people will feel that their time is not respected.
Second, stick to the agenda and conclude on time or early. Leave a slot on your agenda for questions or a discussion forum, but ask people to respect the agenda and each other during the meeting, allowing the meeting to flow as planned.
Third, have actionable plans for during or after the meeting. For example, if someone arrives with a new tool they are using to be a more effective activist, we all can learn about there and perhaps begin using it on the spot. Or maybe the plans will be for later, such as attending a government meeting as a group, or as individuals to report back to the group later. Maybe the group can hold a road cleaning event or community gardening event. No matter what, we as activists must be relevant between elections; and without tasks for the group, there is no point to the group.
Fourth, work towards victories -- even small ones. If a group decides to turn back the tide of militarism worldwide, that is a valid and honorable goal; but it's also honorable and valid to work together to identify storm drains in neighborhoods in need, or to improve the diets of folks living in food deserts through tabling and providing literature and samples. The list of potentially victorious options is long, and as wide as our imagination. But to make a real run at success, we will be well-served by winning some victories along the way.
Finally, and most importantly: we need to care about one another. At every meeting, we must connect as individuals and as a cohesive group. Making time at the beginning and end of every meeting to socialize helps create bonds which will carry us between face to face meetings, and folks who find they have things in common are more likely to work together to organize and build their way toward the victories that will keep them going.
Are you interested in activism in your community?, Facebook groups, and other social media outlets are fantastic ways to find like minds out there who want to work together for the best possible outcomes. If you think it might be fun and productive to volunteer with a cleanup, a movement, or a group who shares your political beliefs, take what Nike says to heart:
JUST DO IT. Find the group and go. You'll likely find that they will welcome you with open arms, maybe a bottle of water or some cookies, and hopefully, some tasks that will make you feel that your time is valued, and that your community is well-served.
And if you're leading or organizing, do it with respect for everyone's time, with goals in mind, and most of all: with kindness.
Dr. Bill Kreml Creates Advertisement to Run after Election Day
October 24, 2018
In a recent meeting of the SCGP Steering Committee, the committee voted that Dr. Bill Kreml go forth with his proposal of running a television ad that criticizes the financial corruption of the duopoly. Dr. Kreml developed the short statement used for the TV spot and, working with the local cable company, the ad was filmed last week. Look for the spot to run on Tuesday, Nov. 6, and Wednesday, Nov. 7, on CNN and MSNBC, once between 4 & 7 p.m. and twice between 7 p.m. and 12 a.m., in the Columbia viewing area. These ads will also run on Nov.6 at these times in the Greenville and Charleston viewing areas.
The text of the ad is as follows: (Turning to a sign that reads "The Republicans and Democrats Ruined Our Country") These institutions used to be political parties. Now they are just money launderers for powerful private interests and foreign country lobbies. They rejected the Constitutional Commission (holding up the Constitutional Commission report) and turned the world's finest government into an oligarchy - rule by the few - in one generation. Paid for by William P. Kreml, Distinguished Professor Emeritus - University of South Carolina.
The video can be viewed on YouTube here:
Statement from the Charleston Green Party
February 6, 2018
It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce that our co-chair and one of Charleston's most beloved community organizers Muhiyyidin D’baha, was killed in New Orleans. Muhiyyidin lived to serve his community. He had so much life, energy, intellectual curiosity, capacity, love and positive energy. He was loved by all of his friends and respected by all those who want to see social and racial justice in Charleston. We all have lost so much, so very much, whether you know it or not. This world was a better place because he walked around in it, barefoot as he always preferred. Rest in power, Brother.
Delegates will attend from across the state.
At the SCGP state convention on May 11th eight delegates to the national presidential nominating convention. The convention runs from August 15h to August 18th, and will include a series of press conferences, training seminars and of course, the nomination itself.
SCGP rules require the first ballot be cast to represent the will of the state convention, so five of our delegates will vote uncommitted and Jill Stein three. After the nomination is secured it is typical to nominate the candidate by acclimation, so everyone is on board.
SC Greens say Supreme Court is not a private club and it's time to stop treating it that way.
COLUMBIA, SC (JUNE 20, 2024) - Enraged at recent findings by the Brennan Center for Justice, Green Party leaders across the state are calling foul. The study, “State Supreme Court Diversity — May 2024 Update” details how many state top courts include no women and/or ethnic minorities. In South Carolina one justice is a woman and all are white.
The Brennan Center report says people don't trust a system which does not look like them. To make the court’s deliberations fair the courts should reflect the rest of society the review pointed out.
South Carolina is one of only two states where state court justices, including the Supreme Court, are elected by the legislature. First the list of possible contenders is passed through a ten member Judicial Merit Selection Commission. This commission includes attorneys and legislators. This system locked up the legislature as recently as January of 2023 when the legislature replaced Justice Kaye Hearn after she reached state mandated retirement.
“The South Carolina legislature thinks they are playing a shell game.” said David Edmond, a recent Green Party candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture. “Slide the black man out of the door and replace him with the single white woman. That’s what they’ve done. Do they think we don’t know what they are up to?”
“The State Law Research Initiative database shows there are only 36 Black high court justices in 23 states nation wide.” said David Whiteman, state party treasurer. “That kind of blatant under representation helps explain why so many people are fed up with the political system. Then you see young people getting fired up to make change and it does give me hope.”
"Thirteen percent of judges in South Carolina's lower courts are Black. Only one of the nine justices on the State Court of Appeals is Black. Our state is twenty seven percent Black. Black people in South Carolina have less than half the judicial influence they should have." explained Ed Ballew of Easley. "In a state that's known for freedom, how can such a thing be fair?"
There are a few bright spots in recent state high court diversity. The first public defender was elected to New Jersey's high court. The youngest female supreme court justice in North Carolina's history took office. Two states, MO and TN, now have a female majority on their top courts.
"When two states are able to find enough top quality women to get a balanced Supreme Court it's pretty hard to believe there are not enough top quality women candidates here in South Carolina. Columbia just doesn't care." said Katie Heape of Campobello. "We should look everywhere to find the best possible justices. Obviously they didn't do that here recently, and haven't for years on end."
When asked if the South Carolina Green Party could go to court to try to get a more representative court system, Scott West of Columbia and a former state senate candidate for the Greens, said "We don't have deep pocket donors. We don't take money from businesses or political action committees. We only take money from individual people, and most of that money is in small donations. So no, we can't do that." he said.
Results of the May 11th State Convention
Greens tell it like it really is, but that doesn't mean there's not great news out of the state convention.
Thirteen people, including eight official delegates, attended the state convention. Delegates came from greater Charleston, Columbia and Greenville as well as more far flung spots like York, Campobello and Simpsonville. With a two hour convention planned we got right down to the vital business.
First, members of the steering committee were elected to two year terms. They were David Edmond, Scott West and Gregg Jocoy. The convention and party as a whole understand that our all male and almost all white steering committee is unbalanced and we hope others might approach the steering committee for consideration. There is currently one open seat on the steering committee.
We turned our attention to discussions of ways to grow the party in the various local chapters. Can a chapter of three of fewer actually plan and pull off a safe demonstration which gets positive coverage? What issues are we targeting?
Next we heard from Jill Stein, candidate for the Green Party nomination, via a video link. Unfortunately the video link had not been tested in advance so she went in and out of view and her sound also cut out a bit. All of this was on our end. We are grateful to Dr. Stein for her participation.
After Dr. Stein spoke we discussed, as best we could, the other candidates. It was clear that no one at the convention felt an affinity with any of the other candidates. As we always do, our ballot provided for a secret vote including a None of the Above option. NOTA got five votes and Jill Stein got three.
A report on the party's finances was given and for the first time ever the South Carolina Green Party has more than $4000 in the bank. There are many more monthly donors and much more coming in each month.
A decision was made to better organize the party by appointing individual members of the steering committee to particular responsibilities. This gives you a way to plug in at once because you know who is doing what so you can decide what tasks, if any, you want to do.
We also agreed that where possible and wanted in-person meetings are better for longer conversations. Otherwise, the party continues to use Zoom and will make it available to others wanting to use it for party business.
One of the next few updates will cover who has which responsibilities and how to help out.
Join us for our 2024 State Convention!
Please join us for our State Convention on Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 1:00-3:30 p.m. at the Richland Library, 1431 Assembly Street in Columbia. We'll be discussing candidates for the 2024 elections and planning activities for 2024-2025.
To receive updates, please make sure your membership is current, using the membership link below. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Also, nominations are now open for election to the State Steering Committee. Nominations and confirmations (see below) must be received no later than April 27th (two weeks before the State Convention). The terms of three Steering Committee members are expiring and one additional position is open.
Nominations may be emailed (to [email protected]) or mailed (to SCGP, P.O. Box 5341, Columbia, SC 29250). In order to be eligible to be on the ballot, anyone nominated must certify by April 27th that they (a) are interested in being on the ballot, (b) are a member of the Party, and (c) do not occupy a leadership position in any other political party. All nominees should also submit a brief personal statement for inclusion in the State Convention agenda packet. After nominations are closed, the Steering Committee will provide a final list of nomine
Interested in Becoming a Green Party Candidate?
If you would like to run for office as a Green Party candidate, please contact us as soon as possible at [email protected]. Now is the time to begin planning, even if you don't feel sure about the ins and outs. We will help you through the process. You'll need to recruit workers, raise money, and plan how you intend to run your campaign, but we will be sure your name is there in November.
All candidates must file with the Election Commission between March 16th and April 2nd. Candidates must also fill out a SCGP candidate questionnaire and be nominated at our State Convention on May 11th.
2024 - A New Dawn in South Carolina
The political system may seem out of our control, but we believe in democracy. We believe in South Carolina and our future. Our state is filled with good, honest people of all sorts and in every place. It shows up whenever disaster strikes. It shows up when a neighbor takes someone to see a doctor. It's in our food banks, our volunteer organizations. It's there in you.
So, what is this "new dawn" about?
For almost twenty years the SCGP has run dozens of candidates across the state. We have elected two officials in our state. We have done flea markets, public meetings, social media, visits to welcoming houses of worship and more. All because we believe in a future of grassroots democracy, non-violence, ecological wisdom and social justice. These are the first four of our Ten Key Values.
Now we turn a page from reacting to what comes our way to planning well ahead and building teams able to accomplish shared goals. By preparing years ahead of coming elections we make success much more likely.
This does not mean we don't want you to run right now. We expect dozens of new volunteers and many will be ready to get out and campaign for you. Let us know now so we can start now to get you in office.
So, if you believe South Carolina has a bright future if the right policies and people are in place, join us. If you think our state has solid people, good natural resources and a sense of community, then join us. If you want to make South Carolina a state at the top of lists of accomplishments, join us. You can join us by just clicking here. The cost is $25 a year.
So, who runs this party?
We are small. That's just true. But we are a democratically run party where each member has an equal voice in decisions and any member can run for the steering committee.
The party members vote at our state convention on who will be on the steering committee. To run you need to let the steering committee know about a month before the convention so we can get out info to all the members.
The bottom line is that you can run this party just like anyone currently doing the job. If you want to serve on the steering committee, now is a great time to let us know.
ELECTION 2022 Shows Positive Gains for Greens in South Carolina
The South Carolina Green Party had five candidates on ballots across the state, including two state-wide races. We did darn well.
In a local race, Michael Stewart won re-election to his non-partisan seat on the Greenville County Soil & Water Conservation District. This is a non-partisan seat and Mike has consistently been winning.
We are proud of the effort our candidates put in to their campaigns and the Green Party will continue to find ways to support the people of South Carolina.
Join the South Carolina Green Party!
If you live in South Carolina, you can join the Green Party. We'll connect you to local groups, or help you set one up. It does take some effort, but nothing good just drops in our laps.
We are regular people who want a better environment here in South Carolina. We want better relations between people so we can live in peace with our neighbors. We want peace across the world and do what we can. We just want South Carolina to be it's best, and we know we can help. Government must do their jobs, but the politicians and big money keep getting in the way. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Don’t vote for the lesser of two evils on election day. So, join us, and even if you don't, you can still Vote Green!
Your annual $25 membership supports independent green initiatives in South Carolina. Memberships are renewable annually. Once your membership is processed, we will be in touch.
If you prefer to pay by check, sent $25 to the South Carolina Green Party mailbox:
- South Carolina Green Party, Attn: David Whiteman, Treasurer, P.O. Box 5341, Columbia SC 29250